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Certified Professional Coach

Neuro-Linguistic Practitioner

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Debra L. Speck Certified Life Coach

As a Certified Professional Coach, helping people identify and move through the roadblocks that are preventing them from living into their best lives, is my greatest reward.

Whether it’s your career, your relationships, your health, or anything else that’s important to you, I’ll help you develop the habits and skills to reach your goals.  

Debra L Speck, CPC, NLP, CPD

Are you ready to begin your new journey?

  • Need a new direction in life

  • Want to become healthier

  • Want to improve your social skills

  • Feel stuck and unsure of which path to take

  • Wish to enhance your personal effectiveness

  • Are looking to find genuine connection with others—friends, family . . . even your pets?

Pursuit of health, happiness & prosperity

Meet Debra

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The Laws of Attraction, Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, and Spiritual teachings from ancient wisdom serve as a basis for my work with clients. I often find that when working with an individual, I turn to a deeper sense of intuition for the needs of others that has always been within me. It is my mission as a Certified Professional Coach to bring into focus the true passion of each individual by helping them recognize and move past limiting beliefs as they embark on an enriched life. The greatest reward when working with clients, is observing the change in their energy when their attitudes change. I began my career as a life coach when family members started turning to me for advice. Having been witness to my struggles with self-empowerment and now seeing a transformation in me, my family wanted to know what it was that was making me so happy. Although I’d been successful in transforming my own life, I knew I needed some formal training in order to be truly helpful to my loved ones or others. I set out on a journey to find greater understanding of the elements that nurture love, health, happiness and prosperity in our lives. That journey led me to the Strategic Learning Alliance.  Through a series of training blocks and interactive, on-going classes, I became a Certified Professional Coach in 2013. In order to keep my coaching practice relevant and satisfy my hunger for learning, I've continued to study other motivational and inspirational coaching fundamentals. In 2023, after an in-depth course I became a Nuero-Linguistic Practicioner. I now know why I have had all the challenges in my life. Both my trials and my joys have created a sense of empathy within me that helps me connect with others on a deeper level. Some of the answers in life are so unexpected and yet so powerful, once  we understand how to apply the concepts. The first step is recognizing that life's challenges can be the greatest learning grounds.

"When in doubt, follow nature's route"

~Debra L Speck

My Services

Enjoying the View

“Happiness, not in another place but this place, not for another hour but this hour.”

-Walt Whitman

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Office located in Albuquerque, NM

Serving clients nationwide

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